An Inclusive Leadership Activity Book That Decreases the Gap Between People's Intention and Action and Increases Their Participation and Satisfaction!

You want to help people feel more comfortable discussing inclusion but can't find strategies that gets people excited and inspired to learn more.


I’m Dr. Dar Mayweather, and I have taught over 150,000 people how to be more inclusive for over 15 years...

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about inclusion training!

In fact, here's the biggest problem you face right now.

Finding a training that does not leave people feeling guilty, divided, shamed, or bored out of their minds!

But that's not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse! Why?

Social media and the state of the country are making it harder for trainers who care about inclusion. Leaders going viral for saying racist, sexist, and homophobic on camera, people taking pictures in Black face and posting it as a joke, and states cutting funds that go to diversity training and programs is becoming too common!


Which means you have more work to do and less resources to do it with.


And, worst of all, the supreme court is against protecting laws that support historically marginalized people!

You need proven strategies that engage, entertain, and educate people during training, but you often run into these problems: 


  1. Low to no engagement or interaction between participants during training. 
  2. Overcomplicated activities that does not make sense to the average trainer. 
  3. Small group training that is not scalable for large groups.
  4. Overpriced trainers that talk at people the entire session. 
  5. Training that is divisive and creates more conflict between people. 
  6. Training that focuses on peoples’ weaknesses and doesn’t teach them how to use their strengths. 
  7. Training that does not provide strategies to apply inclusion to participant's leadership roles.
  8. Participants that do not get excited to continue doing training. 


But Luckily for You, There's Now A Solution to Your Problem!!

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you...

There I was, a new employee, teaching my first diversity course. It was a train-the-trainer, where the lead facilitators taught us the content one day, and we taught it to students the next. On the first day of class, I remember saying to myself, “I barely understand the reading; how am I going to teach this course???”...

The thing is, at the time, I was struggling with my own identity. I was struggling with my purpose and understanding of who I was. I struggled to figure out how to transform into the person I believed I needed to be to train students about diversity and inclusion. 

My biggest problem was teaching students about identity when I did not know who I was. I had to teach students about diversity when I avoided learning about it most of my life. I had to teach students about things that I never thought about myself. I never took the time to understand my identities and how they played a role in my leadership. 

But, I was inspired by a well-known speaker in higher education who said to grow, I had to be courageous enough to take risks and try new things. That meant I needed to take a chance and do something different that most professionals do not do. 

So, I told my honest and genuine story.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened… 

I realized that my stories helped students transform into culturally intelligent and courageous leaders on campus. I learned how to create training that sparked learning, engagement, and acceptance. 

I was a first-year residence hall director when I realized my calling was to teach about inclusion. I was not an expert! I was not well-read in diversity literature and had no clue how to explain theories and models.

However, through sharing my stories and teaching students my little sliver of knowledge on inclusion, I’ve helped over 150,000 people open conversations and understand identity, no matter the role!

Instantly it became crystal clear to me that I needed to teach others the process that gave me the confidence to do this work! When opening conversations on oppression, we all need a strategy that guarantees people engage, learn, and transform. The best way to help others transform is to transform yourself and your training process.

Throughout my 15+ year career in higher education, I saw that I could create easy-to-follow steps to tackling low engagement in inclusion training.

I planned to turn my best inclusive leadership training into a digestible process for trainers and educators to increase their participant engagement and training experience. 

So, I started marketing to my email list how inclusive leadership training has changed the game for my speeches. I went from a 3.9/5 participant rating for my speeches to 4.8/5! That's a massive increase in participant satisfaction.

Then I created an activity book with facilitation guides of my best activities, with "How to Get Along" as the signature name.

After that, I created a coaching program for people like you who want to educate and entertain your audience.

Bottom line: I booked over $20,000 in speeches and webinars, with a 4.8/5 average participant rating, and have been able to speak at multiple nationally known conferences in my field, like the National Orientation Directors Association (NODA), the First Year Experience (FYE) Conference, and NASPA's Leadership Educators Institute. I even presented at the University of Michigan!

Building on that success, we decided to do a country-wide launch to teach other trainers the process because the plan came together so well.



"How To Get Along: Train-the-Trainer Activity Book" has over 15 hours of easy activities and step-by-step facilitation guides that teach you how to increase your engagement and participant experience to build empathetic and authentic people that understand the connection between identity and leadership.


This book provides chapters like:


  1. How to create inclusive leadership training from scratch.
  2. How to facilitate inclusive leadership training.
  3. How to tell your inclusive leadership story.
  4. Inclusion icebreakers that increase participant engagement and experience. 
  5. 15 inclusive leadership activities that connect identity and leadership.
  6. 15 inclusive leadership facilitation guides that provide you with step-by-step implementation tips for each strategy. 

This Book Helps You:

  • Increase your participant's learning and leadership during training...
  • Provide scalable training on inclusion that does not break the budget…
  • Practice inclusive icebreakers that shift people's mindset on inclusion training in minutes...
  • Craft an opening to the training that inspires and instills confidence in your participants…which increases their vulnerability and introspection from beginning to the end...
  • Transform your training into unforgettable experiences that cultivate meaningful and solution-oriented conversations…

... and much, MUCH more!

And best of all... you'll start feeling more confident in your training and expertise with the “How To Get Along” book in less than an hour!


If the How To Get Along book doesn't help you lead training or fails to raise your confidence and training engagement, then we'll refund your money. All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your book and training results!